Duis tempor id nul
Proin tincid magna
Suspendse quis ips
Phallus vel elit utni
Pellentesque maximus pharetra tristique. Vestibulum eget odio blandit, finibus felis non, efficitur diam. Sed condimentum pellentesque eros. Etiam posuere turpis in ultricies ullamcorper.
Duis tempor id nul
Proin tincid magna
Suspendse quis ips
Phallus vel elit utni
Duis tempor id nul
Proin tincid magna
Suspendse quis ips
Phallus vel elit utni
Duis tempor id nul
Proin tincid magna
Suspendse quis ips
Phallus vel elit utni
A series of 3 treatments is recommended. Treatments should be done every 4 weeks to allow skin cell regeneration to occur.
Depending on the severity of the stretch marks from 4- 8 treatments may be necessary for optimal results. Treatments should be done every 4-6 weeks to allow skin cell regeneration to occur.
Depending on the severity of the stretch marks from 4- 8 treatments may be necessary for optimal results. Treatments should be done every 4-6 weeks to allow skin cell regeneration to occur.
A series of 4 treatments is recommended. Treatments should be done every 4 weeks to allow skin cell regeneration to occur.
Depending on the severity of the stretch marks from 4- 8 treatments may be necessary for optimal results. Treatments should be done every 4-6 weeks to allow skin cell regeneration to occur.
Sandra has been a Registered Nurse for 20 years, wound care certified for 15 years. Sandra has conducted in services in different facilities on wound healing and wound care to nurses and facility staff.